Wednesday 24 May 2017

19 properties MUST HAVE Leader Age NOW

19 properties MUST HAVE Leader Age Now

1. Persuasive (Always take-Take it in favor)
2. Inspiring (Always Sharing knowledge and experience)
3. Hardcore (When there is a problem you have to give subordinates more rigid and spirit)
4. Confident (not fear)
5. Consistent (Meet the people who are in need)
6. Objective (Sticking to positive)
7. Strict (Strict decision)
8. Discipline (Discipline and time in an event)
9. Have a plan (some leaders regret not have a plan, so this puzzled what to do so that its activities failed)
10. Self-Evaluation (Leader was not satisfied yourself always thirsty for knowledge In order to further increase)
11. Research (All the things you do not sloppy) send the original, the original signature without reading you in handcuffs Related parties.
12. Open (finance is very important caution, open, open)
13. Care (help each subordinate, oh again kususahan assisted DLL.)
14. You can read people's minds (When you are talking in front of you to say Invite restless)
15. Humility (not arrogant)
16. Optimist (Our goal should be, and should be achieved)
17. Loved By (desire)
18. Creative (Future Leaders can not)
19. Obey the rules (do not like to build its own rules)

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